Sunday, November 28, 2010

From Bedroom to Concert Hall

After 3 years of broadcasting more than 600 concerts on the internet from his bedroom in Kolding (Denmark), Torben Asp is now ready for his debut in front of a real live audience at two concerts in Nashville, TN and Hamilton, OH.

Torben says:
“It all started quite innocently in January 2007 when I read an article in our newspaper about some French militants that had attacked the virtual headquarter of the French right extremist Jean-Marie Le Pen in the virtual world of Second Life. I had to check that out and have been there ever since.

After having figured out the different mechanisms which also included running a virtual music venue with many different musicians/performers I started wondering if my own music could do it in Second Life. In October, 2007 I had my very first performance and it turned out there was an interest for other performers than the troubadour with the guitar, the singer with backing tracks and the solo piano player. In my show they got a total experience with programmed synthesizers and rhythms a la Jean Michel Jarre and inspiration from all the electronic music I grew up with, but 100% original.

After some time I started looking for other electronic musicians in Second Life and I met Tony Gerber from Nashville, TN in the USA. Tony, besides being a soloist, plays with some fellow musicians in a band called Spacecraft and they have had their music featured in the motion picture “Vanilla Sky” starring Tom Cruise.

Tony and I did some collaborations in Second Life and I was also a guest on his radio show “When Worlds Collide” which presents musicians, artists and many other people that use their talents both in the virtual worlds and out in the real world.

When Tony heard I was going to the USA in December he asked if we should do something together down by him in Nashville and I said that if he could find a place that was willing to provide their stage for the project it would be great. The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville was willing and suddenly my vacation became a lot more exciting.”

“Another one of my friends in Second Life heard about the concert in Nashville and it turned out that he was/is booking agent for The Music Cafe in The Fitton Art Center in Hamilton, OH, which is located only 30 min from where I will be staying. He asked if I felt like coming there to perform also and naturally my answer was yes.”

“In that way my vacation will also become my debut on stage in the real world which I did not at all see coming when I booked the flight tickets in May 2010!”

The short version:
Dec. 12: Leave for the US from Copenhagen Airport to visit my friend in Cincinnati, OH.

Dec. 17: Having my debut on stage together with Tony Gerber at First Unitarian Universalist Church in Nashville, TN.

Dec. 24/25: Celebrating Christmas for the first time in another country. Very exciting in itself.

Dec 28: For the first time on stage solo at The Music Café in Fitton Art Center in Hamilton, OH.

Dec 31: Celebrating New Years eve on the other side of the big pond. Still exciting for me.

Jan 3: Landing at Copenhagen Airport.

More info:
(music, video and web shop)

(Music, video and concert info)

(videos and machinima also from Second Life)